Gallus Medical Detox, one of the most renowned detox centers in Phoenix, Arizona, and Denver, Colorado is Gallus Medical Detox

Detoxification Treatment in Arizona at our Phoenix Detox Facility According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), "for alcohol, sedate-hypnotic and opioid withdrawal syndromes", hospitalization or some other form of 24-hour care is the best option. Their expert panel also noted that research has shown that proper aftercare and detoxification can increase recovery and decrease the need for treatment in the future. Our treatment center uses the Gallus Detox , which combines the best of pharmacologic management with trained and experienced staff. This allows us to offer high-quality inpatient medical detox services that exceed SAMHSA protocol guidelines. Our unique focus on medical detox allows us to treat high-acuity patients, patients with multiple substance use, and patients who are using new or synthetic substances. This is in addition to our ability to provide treatment that exceeds the standards of most residential treatment centers...